IDS 482 My Favorite Husband Spring Cleaning

This week we celebrate Easter, the start of Spring, and April Fool’s Day with our version of an episode of Lucille Ball’s classic Radio Series, My Favorite Husband entitled Spring Cleaning.  Enjoy!!


Our Cast:

Tara Mauldin as Liz Cooper.
Tara Mauldin as Liz Cooper.
Brad Oxnam as Bob LeMond, Mr.Atterbury, and Katy.
Brad Oxnam as Bob LeMond, Mr. Atterbury, and Katy.


John Mauldin as George Cooper.
John Mauldin as George Cooper.

with a special guest singer, A. Mauldin.

Got a thought about this IDS episode?  Let your voice be heard by calling 615-866-1282 (VM) or put it in an e-mail [podcast(at)inexplicabledumbshow(dot)com]

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