IDS 569 IDS New Year’s Special 2018

Happy New Year, IDSers!!  We celebrate the new year with a classic OTR Burns and Allen episode entitled New Year’s Eve Party sponsored by Maxwell House Coffee.  Enjoy and may 2018 be a bright and awesome year for all of you!

Our IDS Cast:

Kristin James as Gracie Allen.
John Mauldin as George Burns and Meredith Wilson.


Taylor Gentry as Judson and Mr. Vanderlip.
Tara Mauldin as Mrs. Vanderlip and Tallulah Schwartz.


Brad Oxnam as Announcer, Bill Goodwin and Professor Korkendorfer.

with musical excerpts from:

“The Love Nest” from the album, Jazz Titans:  The Classic Trio by Glenn Zottola, Glen Shane, and Mark Maniatt which can be purchased here.

Got a thought about this IDS episode?  Let your voice be heard by calling 615-866-1282 (VM) or put it in an e-mail [podcast(at)inexplicabledumbshow(dot)com]

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