IDS 657 The IDS Thanksgiving Special for 2020

Gobble, gobble, gobble! Happy Turkey Day, IDSers!! One of the best days of the year! Eat some turkey, watch football, and listen to the IDS Turkey Day Special!! This year we are in need of some laughs with our cranberry sauce so this year’s Turkey Day special is a classic Abbott & Costello episode from 1942! Enjoy!!

Our IDS Cast:

Brad Oxnam as Bud Abbott, Ken Niles, Botsford Twink, and Judge Clinker.
John Mauldin as Lou Costello, Freddie Rich, and Herbert Marshall.


Tara Mauldin as Announcer, Connie Haines, Mrs. Niles, and Lady Clinker.

For the latest on COVID-19 from the CDC go here.

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