IDS 469 Happy New Year’s Special

Happy New Year, IDSers!  Let’s celebrate with a wacky and zany OTR script from 1930 entitled Station KUKU.

"STATION KUKU," written and directed by Raymond Knight and broadcast by the 
National Broadcasting Company, is considered the most popular humorous program 
on the air. It is a burlesque on broadcasting and illustrates that the pun is 
not the lowest form of humor broadcast. In casting the production, which is a 
weekly program, Knight uses actors and actresses with wide ranges of voice 
characterizations. The following script is a typical "KUKU" broadcast and is 
an outstanding example of radio comedy as written. The broadcast runs thirty 
minutes.--Peter Dixon, 1931

The cast features two IDS favorites John Mauldin and Brad Oxnam 
with background support from Jonathan Phipps.

John Mauldin as Ambrose J. Weems, Eddie McGuirk, Louie, and Nurse.
John Mauldin as Ambrose J. Weems, Eddie McGuirk, Louie, and Nurse.
Brad Oxnam as Announcer, Molasses, Percival D. C. W. Pother, Mrs. Pennyfeather, Gorilla Ginsberg, Gwendolyn Rockyford, and Ambrosia.
Brad Oxnam as Announcer, Molasses, Percival D. C. W. Pother, Mrs. Pennyfeather, Gorilla Ginsberg, Gwendolyn Rockyford, and Ambrosia.


Jonathan Phipps as background vocals.
Jonathan Phipps as background vocals.

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